
The blogs are short texts with suggestions, ideas, tips and advice on different aspects of professional career development and personal growth which are authored by Mentors and Mentees on a periodic basis.

blog Fernando Zacarías blog Fernando Zacarías

The 21 'Irrefutable' Laws of Leadership

The author of this very famous book, John C. Maxwell, is considered one of the “top leadership gurus” in the world. With only the information provided (a brief description of each of the 21 laws), identify those with which you don’t agree; and never stop questioning, no matter who the guru is.

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blog Fernando Zacarías blog Fernando Zacarías

How to Help Guastecan (Part2): “In the Beginning...”

A consultant uncovers and defines the problem and makes recommendations; a good consultant uncovers and defines the problem and its causes; the best consultant uncovers and defines the problem and its causes and makes recommendations on what to do and how to do it to solve them.

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blog Fernando Zacarías blog Fernando Zacarías

Less targets = More scores

Focus, accuracy and precision are more important than shooting in all directions or at multiple targets. You should apply to no more than two or three organizations at one time.

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blog Fernando Zacarías blog Fernando Zacarías

Waiting, Fishing, or Hunting

Choose hunting if you want to catch your desired prey (dream job). Identify no more than 15-20 organizations, agencies, NGOs, etc. in the public and private sectors internationally and/or in the countries or regions that you really want, and investigate as much as you can about the structure and functions of these organizations.

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blog Fernando Zacarías blog Fernando Zacarías

Seven Decades of Change

Proposed study to gather and analyze the insights of MultiPOD members of five generations on the most important issues and challenges of the XXI century.

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blog Fernando Zacarías blog Fernando Zacarías

Moving Through Time…

MultiPOD Mentors and Mentees represent five generations which are not biological generations. They are sociological and technological and ideological generations, shaped by evolving genotypes and phenotypes and different internal and external events.

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blog Fernando Zacarías blog Fernando Zacarías

The Tower and the Battlefield

One of the most common questions that Mentees ask is: “Should I get more education (e.g. a PhD, MD, DrPH, or DSc degree) to increase my chances of getting a good job, or should I start working in the field after graduation, to get more “real world” experience”? In other words: What’s best, the Ivory Tower or the Battlefield?

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blog Fernando Zacarías blog Fernando Zacarías

All Forms of Intelligence are Welcome

All of us at MultiPOD are intellectual workers. This means that we use our brain to do our job. what is it that we do as intellectual workers? An easy answer: we memorize and then compare facts, ideas, perceptions, visions, intuitions, temporalities, movements, notes and tones, anticipations,. We store information and knowledge...and then we ponder and judge. Fast. Slow. As needed.

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blog Fernando Zacarías blog Fernando Zacarías

Five or Ten Years from Now

You are indispensable. But before you can accept this fact you’ll need to grow, nurture, and solidify a few qualities and qualifications in the next five to ten years, which include technical authority, credibility, problem-solving power, art of persuasion, resiliency, honor, and fervency,

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