Our Team

Our History
In the Spring of 2016, three of my brilliant former mentees, young professional women working at the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) in Washington, DC and I, decided to start our own free-of-charge, Internet-based mentoring program in Global Health. Although I had been a face-to-face mentor of international students and young professionals for three decades, my experience with virtual mentoring was limited to three years of work with 17 mentees from the Canadian Society for International Health (MentorNet), the Global Health International Advisors, and the Next Generation Global Health Network/Swedish Society for International Health (GHMe). Through this experience, I realized that this form of mentoring was the way of the future - and the way towards the future, if we wanted to reach dozens of young people and rapidly develop a multi-national critical mass of bright and committed global health and human development workers.
In an intergenerational combination of action, energy, and talent (theirs) and expertise and experience (my own), Clair, Claudia, Alexandria and I were able to start the first Class of MultiPOD Mentoring in March of 2017. Except for imagination and the hard work and technological savvy of these three young women and their volunteer successors, we had no support of any kind for the first three years. Since 2018, members of our leadership and technical team have come and gone, but we are now embarking in the fifth year of continuous contribution to the development of students and young professionals working in Global Health and Human Development across the world. We are very pleased and proud for what has been accomplished and very grateful for the contribution of our mentors and mentees to our continuing success… And we know that with your help, we will get even better in the years to come.
F. Zacarías
Program Founders

Technical Team
MultiPOD’s Technical Team is integrated by the Program Coordinator, an Assistant Coordinator, and a group of Technical Officers selected among former mentees or Multipodians”.
The Technical Team ensures the quality and effective performance of the program and its members are appointed by the Coordinator for a two-year term.
Fernando Zacarías, MD, DrPH
Principal Mentor, Program Coordinator and Founding Member of MultiPOD Mentoring
Dr. Zacarías has been an international Mentor for more than 30 years. As the Principal Mentor and Program Coordinator, Dr. Zacarías gives advice and support to both Mentors and Mentees, manages the program, and provides technical and intellectual leadership in the development and strengthening of MultiPOD Mentoring.
MultiPOD team
Fernando Zacarías, MD, DrPH
Program Coordinator
Anaily Baquero
Program Officer

Steering and
Advisory Committee
The Steering and Advisory Committee (SAC) of MultiPOD Mentoring was established on November 5, 2017 to guide programmatic performance, monitor output delivery, and ensure achievement of the expected results.
Its members provide advice and guidance on their areas of technical and managerial expertise and make recommendations to ensure programmatic success. In addition, SAC members act as advocates and liaison to the target clientele and to other programs, institutions, and networks sharing and supporting MultiPOD’s values, mission, activities, and goals.
The members of MultiPOD’s SAC include four former Mentees or "Multipodians", four active Main Mentors, and the Program Coordinator (ex officio).
Andreea Badache (Multipodian, Romania/Sweden)
Brendan Bain (Mentor, Jamaica)
Claudia Castillo (Multipodian, Honduras/USA)
Alberto Concha-Eastman (Mentor, Colombia)
Lauren MacDonald (Multipodian, Canada)
Firdosi Mehta (Mentor, Canada/India)
Jai Narain (Mentor, India)
Alexandria San Jose (Multipodian, United States)
Fernando Zacarías (Ex-officio, Mexico/United States)
Mahdi Abdelwahab (Multipodian, Egypt)
Andreea Badache (Multipodian, Romania/Sweden)
Deepshikha Chhetri (Multipodian, India)
Alberto Concha-Eastman (Mentor, Colombia)
Sue Griffey (Mentor, United States)
Lauren MacDonald (Multipodian, Canada)
Firdosi Mehta (Mentor, India/ Canada)
Giorgi Pkhakadze (Mentor, Georgia/France)
Fernando Zacarías (Ex-officio, Mexico/ United States)
Mahdi Abdelwahab (Multipodian, Egypt)
Kofi Adasi (Mentor, Ghana)
Ron Anderson (Mentor, Canada)
Xyomara Chavez (Multipodian, Peru)
Deepshikha Chhetri (Multipodian, India)
Sue Griffey (Mentor, United States)
Michele Matta (Multipodian, Lebanon)
Giorgi Pkhakadze (Mentor, Georgia)
Fernando Zacarías (Ex-officio, Mexico)