Mariela Contreras

Mariela Contreras photography

Country of birth: Honduras

Country of residence: Honduras

Areas of expertise within Global Health: Honduras

Education: BSc Nutritional Sciences (Penn State University, USA), MSc International Health (Uppsala University, Sweden), PhD Child Nutrition (Uppsala University, Sweden)

Professional experience: Community Nutrition Specialist (Ministry of Health, Honduras), Nutrition Consultant (UNICEF, Honduras), Public Health and Nutrition Specialist (GOAL Honduras)

Languages: English, Spanish

Countries in which Mentor has worked: United States, Sweden, Honduras, Nicaragua, Ethiopia

Why do you want to be a Mentor?

I want to support and guide young professionals in global health, so I can help them achieve a meaningful and productive life.

Advice to someone entering the field of Global Health

I encourage young global health professionals to find purpose in life and to learn to enjoy their professional work.


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Juan Manuel Sotelo