Marylin Rice

Marylin Rice photography

Country and city of birth: United States

Country and city of residence: United States

Languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese, French

Countries in which Mentor has worked or studied: Almost all countries of the Americas, 1/3 of the countries of Africa, and countries throughout Western and Eastern Europe, Southeast Asia and Pacific.

Educational background and academic institutions:

Masters in Health Education and in Public Health, Colombia University

Numerous post-graduate certificates in Management, Bioethics, Alcoholism Prevention, Program Evaluation, Training of Trainers

Professional background and institutions:

Over 40 years of experience in planning, negotiating, implementing, managing and evaluating as well as providing technical cooperation to local, national and international programs.

Professional areas of expertise:

Focus: community mobilization and strengthening through public health and development; determinants of health; urban health; primary health care; health promotion, education, and communication; maternal and child health (MCH); reproductive health and family planning (FP); adolescent health; risk communications; environmental health; development of media and curricular materials; disease outbreak control and prevention; and substance abuse prevention and treatment. Possess strong written and verbal communication skills and effectiveness in staff supervision. Served as liaison to government officials in nations around the world. 

Why do you want to be a Mentor?

It satisfies me if by sharing my experiences with others helps them to grow and further develop. Young people represent out future and anything I can do to make them the best they can be helps to ensure a better future for all of us

What advice would you give to someone entering the field of Global Health and Human Development?

”It is important to listen to others, try to understand the world from their perspective, and make recommendations that are in keeping with their possibilities, culture, environment and systems”.


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